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Asher is no one special. He was raised by a loving couple who are still alive. He went through all of his schooling with little to no bullying. He doesn't have a tragic past. He has no ill wishing girlfriends or ex lovers. He's a rather boring man. He graduated from the Cincinnati College of Mortuary Science and went on to work for hospitals and occasionally the police force. It wasn't until his first assignment alone that he started to think he was different. 

The night had been cool, it was mid fall and winter was pressing it's annoying head into the frame. He was working overnight as usual prepping a body that had just been given to him from the homicide team. While he sat on his chair, filling out the digital version of his paperwork, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see the body of the man he was just working on, half his head hanging open and complaining of a headache. 

Since then he has risen his work several times. He's worked with a few people of the 'occult' who ran scared when they saw what he could do was real. 

Research and research. Hours upon sleepless hours he has come to Ravenblack in hopes of more answers to what he is and what he could do.

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