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Chauncey M. Smith

Male, aged 22

Height at six foot 3

Weight at one hundred sixty two pounds

Date of Death April 26th 2015

Reason of Death, suspended hanging


Body was brought to morgue for Adt. McCallum to prepare--



This was all that was written on Asher's documentation before he brought the boy back to life. Since then the body and paperwork has disappeared from the system. Chauncey has stayed with him since. 


When he was first risen he lacked several things, including motion skills and speech. Over the last several months he is back to a functioning man, though seemingly very different from his past. Chauncey remembers bits and pieces, but not enough to put the puzzle together. He has yet to confind in Asher about his reasoning for suicide. 


The idea of a ZOMBIE is something that neither of them play with. He shows no sign of decay. He doesn't crave any human body parts, he's just always hungry. Asher can always feel a connection between the two of them. He is more or less constantly expending energy to keep the boy amongst the living. As Asher grew in power with his undeath the energy needed to sustain him lessened. 


Asher treats him like a son, even though in body ages they are only about eight years apart from each other. Chauncey does not seem to mind the relationship.




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